This is a physical representation of a network designed for a small office with
a datacenter to host a commercial website that needs to be operational 24 x 7. The network
was designed with many redundant features and different layers of security in
order to accomplish this goal. There are two internet providers to improve connectivity
uptime and each have their own network equipment. The commercial website and its
applications are hosted in the DMZ and are designed to be load balanced for performance and
redundancy. There are two servers with their own SANs in the case of unexpected hardware
failure. This can be very costly to operate, but due to the goal of maximizing uptime, it
was decided that this would be the best solution. As we go deeper into the network, the
internal network has slightly less redundancy, but it is still fairly robust to maintain
uptime and reduce operational costs for a small office.
Logical Diagram
This represents the logical layout of the network with all subnets and vlans. The network
uses private lan IP addresses and NAT to access outside networks like the internet.
This network is also designed to scale easily with growth.